Water from Israel's historical sites in every bar.
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Hi. I’m Elisheva Timber. I moved to Israel in 2018 and have lived in 3 great Galilee cities: Haifa (Elijah's Mount Carmel), Tzfat (The holy city of sages), and now, Nahariya (Ga'aton, the River of G-d). Because of my love for Israel, and my close relationship with G-d, I felt His Spirit's urging me to return to my Hebraic roots, and come home to Israel.
I remember how very special it was while living in the USA to receive anything from Israel. Even now I pinch myself often. What had only been an awareness off the pages of the Bible, or seeing a photo now and then, is now an amazing first hand experience:
to know my eyes are seeing the very same
landscapes those in ancient days saw;
to see the view from Mt. Nebo where Abraham
to gaze up at the hill above the Sea of Galilee
where the words of the beatitudes were spoken;
to ride through the valley where David
encountered Goliath;
to place my hands on the stones of
Joshua’s alter;
to have lived on top of Mount Carmel and see
the place where Elijah called down fire on the
worshipers of Baal;
to see and touch the foundation stones
of the tabernacle where it stood in Shiloh
for 400 years.
Those are some of the many “pinch-me” moments. And so it’s an ongoing journey for me to share with others a little bit of the essence of Israel.
Launching a business making soaps and other healthful things was not so much a dream but an inevitability. I've been making soap for myself and friends for over 15 years. Now, I can share with others, who have a passion for the Holy Land, actual ingredients grown from Israel's soil and also water from around this historic land. A bar of my soap literally is, "the Holy Land in your hand!"
It is the best way I know to also use my education of herbs and all natural ingredients to help others with honest, straight forward solutions to that often neglected organ… our skin! It’s the barrier that keeps us healthy. .. especially in these days of virus worries.
Like my last name, Timber, I’m drawn to the simplicity of basic things... like wood! Wood is simple, straightforward, its properties are understandable, and its “ingredients” are few. It is both valued yet common. It’s warm, touchable, honest. And so is Timber Soaps of Galilee!
Getting back to basics, foundations, beginnings, is a theme I live by and apply to what I do. From returning to the foundations of my faith, then returning to live in Israel, I also put time and effort into helping others who are on the same path I was.
So, I practice the following:
10% of what I earn above cost, goes to help local efforts here in Israel, those displaced by the war and those serving in the IDF. (Similarly, from my love for animals, I also donate to local animal rescue efforts.)
10% of my time is devoted as a volunteer and as an advisor helping others new to Israel.
So today, what could be more helpful right now than the simplicity of an excellent, beneficial and EFFECTIVE means in killing viruses and bacteria of all kinds – a simple, beautiful, fragrant bar of soap!
Blessings to all. Please stay well and stay sane. Check back often for sales and promotions of new products. Timber Soaps of Galilee is just getting started!! Shalom!